The LIVE Master Class You Wish Your Parents Had Taken

The LIVE Master Class You Wish Your Parents Had Taken

Stop Your Toxic Reactions in 2 Easy Steps—Only $7.
Perfect for Parents Ready to End Overwhelm, Feel Secure,
 and Become the Parents They Want to Be.

Stop Your Toxic Reactions in 2 Easy Steps—Only $7.

Perfect for Parents Ready to End Overwhelm, Feel Secure, and Become the Parents They Want to Be.

Start Today So That Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did
Live Class in Zoom: September 4th at 9 aM PST / 10:00 aM MST / 11:00 aM CST / 12:00 pM EST (replay provided).
Registration ends in...
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Dear Dedicated Parent,

Imagine this:

Your child’s been crying too long, and you feel that old habit kicking in.

Maybe you raise your voice, give in just to make it stop, or say, “You’re too old to cry like that".

It’s like you’re stuck in a loop, repeating the same things you heard growing up and feeling guilty right after.

But guess what?

You’re not alone.

Many parents feel trapped in these old habits, unsure how to change.

But what if you could learn why you react this way and start to do things differently?

That’s what this class is all about.

In just 2 steps, you’ll learn how to break free from these toxic patterns from how you were raised and raise emotionally healthy, happy kids.

After you join us, you'll know exactly:

How to spot the toxic patterns from how you grew up affecting your parenting.

How to start healing these patterns so your kids can be happy and feel close to you.

And more…

You’ll feel calmer and more in control. You’ll be proud of how you handle challenging moments.

Your kids will feel safer and more loved and will see you as a parent who listens and cares.

This is your chance to break the cycle and give your kids the love and peace they deserve.

Imagine how happy your kids will be, knowing they trust and feel safe with you.

Click the link below, and let’s start this journey together, making your home happier.

What is a Toxic Pattern?

A toxic pattern is a bad habit from the way you were raised that affects how you parent now.

It can look like this:

  • Reactivity: You yell or get angry fast, making your kids feel scared instead of safe.
  • ​Giving In: You give up when your child has big emotions, making them feel like you can’t handle their feelings.
  • ​Shutting Down: You go quiet or walk away, leaving your kids feeling lost and alone.
  • ​Running Away: You hide in your room to escape, making your kids feel like they can’t depend on you.

These patterns keep your kids from growing up happy and emotionally healthy.

But there’s good news!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

But there’s 
good news!

The sooner you break these habits, the easier it will be to build a happier, more connected relationship with your child.

For just $7, you'll gain access to:

90 Mins Master Class to stop toxic reactions in 2 easy steps
Exclusive access to the replay, so you never miss a beat.
Q&A session with Marcela and ask your personal questions

What Our Clients Said After Applying 
the 2 Steps to Stop Toxic Reactions:

Yes! You Will Be Getting the Replay, 
But Here’s Why You Must Attend Live

Yes! You Will Be Getting the Replay, but here´s why you must attend live

Being part of the live-action means 
you're there, entirely focused. 
You can ask anything you're wondering about and
 learn a ton just by hearing what other parents ask.

And guess what? There's more…

Free Live Attendee Bonus

The Coping Strategies Guide

The blueprint you need to start winnign at parenting. It guides you step by step on how to equip your children with the coping skills they need to control their own behavior and regulate their own emotions, instead of you trying everything to get them to stop crying, hitting, yelling...
Limited Time Offer 25% Off - Get yours Now before October 27th 11:59 PM PST!

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